Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

Found this on the Evel Facebook page. "Here's to riding high in the New Year!"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Swing Arm Updates

Someone said the the 4-speed frame is the new rigid. I added a few more found pics to the swing arm bobbers post.

If you have any pictures of swing arm bobbers, please point me to a link.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Donna's Van

Found on the streets of Lansingburgh, NY. It's Donna's Van. Or at least, I think that says Donna. It may be Donn. Not sure if that is an A or if it is a caricature of the McDonald's Grimace character.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hard Rock

Some assorted shots from a venue called Hullabaloo in Rensselaer, NY. Hullabaloo was around from 1976 to 1983. What an amazing time/scene to be a part of. Mesh backed baseball caps, mustaches and sideburns weren't "ironic" they were just cool on there own. Three guitarists!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

press your luck, ride a knuck.

Good Times

We've had some pretty warm weather up here lately. My wife snapped this pic back in September. The weather this past weekend was actually warmer than the day of this picture. Everyone is trying to get as much time on two wheels as they can before we get buried in snow for 4 months.

The Show

Now my band can add No Redeeming Social Value and Normal Bates and the Showerheads to the list of notable NYHC bands we've opened for. I'm not bragging, I'm just psyched about it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Shop

the shop in brooklyn. we checked it out. we walked in and i immediately went to check out the bikes. the dude at the bar didn't want me back there. unless, i bought a beer. so, i bought myself something in a can and took a quick gander.

the coolest bike in the garage was tucked away back here.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Brooklyn / Danger Field Show

My band played a show at Brooklyn's Trash Bar last weekend with No Redeeming Social Value, Norman Bates and the Shower Heads and as many as 5 more bands. I lost track. Anyway Sarah and I got down there a little early and checked things out. Next post will feature some pics from inside of The Shop, a garage in Brooklyn that also has a bar in the front.

And if you're curious about my band, here is a song to check out.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey, What's up?

I haven't posted in quite a stretch and if anyone has been waiting, I apologize. I've noticed that my most popular post is the swingarm bobber post. And I only posted one bike pic to it! I've decided to add some more sweet bikes to it so when people click on the "greatest hits" link, they're not totally disappointed.

I'll post a few right here for you all just because.

Take a look at the bobbers link for some more.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I found this awesome picture at the awesome Bubble Visor.

New Bars for the xs650

Flanders daytona style. Got 'em for a bargain since they couldn't get rid of them for some reason.


It finally stopped raining in Upstate New York.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Special Construction

This '54 Beetle has a Judson Supercharger. I'm kicking myself for not snapping a pic of it. You don't see Judson Superchargers everyday. I've seen this bug before so I'm hoping I'll see it again at next month's cruise night. I'll be sure to get a pic.

Some more pics of those rat rods from the cruise night.

This truck's cooling system was relocated to the bed of the truck.

The side view of the rolling nightmare. The rat rod craze is still kind of new to people upstate. Especially at cruise nights. Not everyone "got it" when looking at these and I think many just looked on in awe surprised that these cars were able to drive down the road.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Shovelhead Security System. No "key fob".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pot calling the Pan Black

Or something like that. Sweet Panhead courtesy of

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guptill's Cruise Night August 2011

My wife and I double dated with my parents to go to the monthly cruise night at Guptill's Roller Rink. This is one of my favorite parts of summer. Tons of old cars. Some cool bikes. Oldies tunes. And it's all free. They just ask that you bring a canned good for the local food pantry.

Sarah and I rolled in on the shovel.

This rat rod looked like a rolling nightmare. In a good way.

This rat has a blue ribbon.

This is for my friend Steve who has been a fan of these 2002's long before they were cool.

God was there representing and sending some beams through the clouds. That's my wife in the picture. The pretty girl to the right (not the dude in the black tank).

Sarah snapped a better shot of the sky with her phone.